5575 Great Northern Blvd. at I-480
North Olmsted, OH 44070
United States
This site offers convenient access from I-480. Great Northern Boulevard is also known as Columbia Road.
If you are eastbound on I-480, exit at Columbia Road, and you can drive right into parking lot driving, known as NOMBL Lane. If you are westbound on I-480, exit at Columbia Road, turn left on Columbia, and left into NOMBL Lane.
Most persons are commuting downtown on RTA's over-the-road coaches. Most service is Monday-Friday, rush hours only. The site includes a clean, warm one-story building where you can wait for your bus.
What's Nearby
Westfield Great Northern Mall.
The $1.7 million North Olmsted Transit Center and Park-N-Ride lot was dedicated on Dec. 9, 2002, as a cooperative effort of RTA and the City of North Olmsted.
Within the first month, more than 200 cars a day were using the facility, which then had a total capacity of 320 cars.
The number of parking spaces was expanded to 489 on Dec. 3, 2007.