Trolley Ambassador, Eddie Mae McKinney

Oct 11, 2018

Eddie Mae is one of the original ambassadors, she’s been on the Trolley since its inception in 2006, nearly half of her career as a bus operator. She says she decided to interview for the Trolley ambassador position for a change of pace and a change of scenery, but it’s grown into a way of life. She loves the people, the energy downtown, and the entertainment value of the job. She enjoys the familiarity she has with her regular riders; she knows their riding habits and regular stops. Some riders will even wait just for her Trolley that way they can catch up on what’s happening in life.

Eddie Mae enjoys speaking with tourists about what brings them to Cleveland and pointing out some of the other destinations and events around town, besides the obvious and most popular, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. She’s beyond helpful and her smile is infectious. It’s hard to imagine her not smiling through the windows!
And it’s hard to believe she could have a bad day, but when she does she says she handles it by saying, “You don’t need to bring home the bad, just the funny. It’s a free show out there!”